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Posted on 7/23/2023
"When in doubt, don't go out." When it comes to weather, that is the saying your recreational boaters should live by. No matter how much you were anticipating spending a day on the water, if the forecast is for high winds or thunderstorms, it's wiser to stay in port and wait...
Posted on 6/5/2023
During boating season, thunderstorm cells can pop up quickly and getting caught unprepared can be dangerous. Having a quality weather app on your phone can help keep your Lowe boat crew safe. Boaters have a multitude of free and low-cost marine weather apps at their disposal to keep them imformed...
Posted on 4/24/2023
To become a confident boat driver, it’s important to know the parts of a boat and how they operate. The boating lifestyle comes with a whole new vocabulary. Do you know bow from stern and port form starboard. Remember: “Port” refers to “left”, and each has four letters. “Starboard” and...
Posted on 3/21/2023
Relaxing on the water with family and friends. Exploring places you could never see from land. Connecting with nature in a whole new way. Feeling the thrill of a fish taking your bait. Enjoying fun new watersports activities. Boating offers all of this and more. But before you make the decision...
Posted on 3/13/2023
Ensuring that your boat is secure at the dock isn't complicated, but it is something you'll want to be confident doing. When your boat is not secured properly, it can rock back and forth in the water, causing it to bang into the dock or other boats, which could result...
Posted on 12/27/2022
Travel your local waterways on a busy summer weekend and you'll see people handlling no wake zones in all possible ways. Thankfully, most people observe them closely and maintain an appropriate speed, but others plow through them at the fastest possible off-plane speed or suddendly come off plane right at...
Posted on 12/23/2022
A critical component of all boater education courses is safety and security on the water, and anyone new to boating is advised to take a course before casting off the dock lines. You’ll enjoy your new lifestyle more than ever if you know how to take a few simple precautions....
Posted on 12/20/2022
If you haven’t grown up on the water, listening to longtime boater’s swap stories can make you feel as if they’re part of an insider’s club – and you’re definitely not inside. The truth is, the boating community really is a warm and welcoming one, and boaters are always willing...
Posted on 11/8/2022
Fishing with your family is just about the best way on planet Earth to enjoy a day of fun and smiles while bonding with the kids. When fishing with children, however, it’s important to take a few special considerations into account. The next time you take your kids fishing, ensure...
Posted on 11/2/2022
There may come a time during your boating career where you need to tie your boat up to a mooring ball. It may be when you plan to spend the night in an anchorage called a "mooring field" where mooring balls are used to space the boats so they won't...
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